Friday, December 11, 2009

Catechism, Chapter 1.

1. Who made the world?
God made the world.

2. Who is God?
God is our father in heaven, the Creator and Lord of all things.

3. Why do we call God our father?
We call God our Father, because He gave us life and provides for us with fatherly care.

4. Had God a beginning?
God had no beginning: He always was, and always will be; He is eternal.

5. Can do all things?
God can do all things; He is almighty.

6. Where is God?
God is everywhere, but in a special way He is in heaven, where He is seen by the angels and saints.

7. If God is everywhere, why do we not see Him?
We do not see God, because he is a spirit, and therefore cannot be seen with bodily eyes.

8. Does God see us?
God sees us, for nothing is hidden from his all-seeing eye (Heb. iv, 13).

9. Does God know all things?
God knows all things, past, present and to come, even our most secret thoughts and actions.

10. Is God holy, just and merciful?
Yes, God is infinitely holy, just and merciful.

11. Why do we call God just?
We call God just, because He will reward the good and punish the wicked.

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