Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sex every Day

It's amusing to see how the ads that pop up beside my blog change so completely to reflect the content. After a few posts on the catechism, they have become wall-to-wall religious: Invitations to become a priest, read good books, join sects of enthusiasts, and even one that refers to paedophilia. Wow! There is a Vatican Board Game!

Today's title is an experiment, to see the effect of mentioning sex.

Maybe I should split my blog, to separate my various interests in the blogosphere? Don't think so. I am not personally schizoid, just catholic (--universal: How do you do footnotes in HTML, anyway?) in my interests. Today, the plan (-- there is always a plan) is (1) to work on Pervasive Function Algebras (joint project with PG), (2) write up some notes about formal series in two variables (joint project with DZ), and when it's time to rest, (3) continue reading Proust, Du Coté de Chez Swann. Apart from that, deal with any mail, take care of family, work out a little.



Tony said...

Title had no effect, for me. Still all about religion. I gather that google ads are tailored to everything Google knows about me -- i.e. everything I ever did using a Google application. A couple of my friends never go near them, but for most people, G is just too convenient.

Tony said...

After a few days, the ads start to react more to the latest post.